“A Tic At A Time” is a narrative driven game exploring the social and emotional impacts of Tourette’s Syndrome. You follow the day-to-day life of Fabian as they carry out their daily tasks. Explore the world through their eyes as they try to navigate the world with neurological differences.
This game was made as a solo developer over 3 months as my final major project for a Game Art Masters degree a Falmouth University. It is a narrative driven experience putting you in the shoes of an individual with Tourette's syndrome.
This is to share that Tourette's can be portrayed accurately within media and raise awareness to anyone who wanting to learn. I wanted the project to be as accessible as possible within the limited time which is why I'm making it free to download.
This game was made out of my own passion for raising awareness about a condition I also suffer with. I have spoken about my experiences previously in my blog also available on this website. I have also compiled a PDF document (available below) with a summarized version of my documentation for the projects development. This goes into more detail about my research for the project and the work I did across specialisms such as:
2D art/assets
Fungus/Unity Engine
I would like to thank everyone who supported the development and research of this game. In particular those who play tested the project and gave me valued feedback on the flow of the game. Special thanks to:
Wreck rebirth https://www.instagram.com/wreckrebirth/
Dealing With Disorder https://dealingwithdisorder.com/
For more factual information on the condition please visit: